Resume 2019

1400 NW Irving St #727
Portland OR 97209
(505) 946-8512

2019         “Fractured Connections” show of paintings and artist books at the Hawthorne
                 Gallery, Port Orford, Oregon.           
2016         “Santa Fe Sojourn” Nancy Fife Cardozier Gallery, Univ. of Texas, Odessa, TX.
2014-15    Finalist: New Mexico Arts Commission PURCHASE INITIATIVE                               
                 Winter Show, Red Dot Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
                 Show at NM Capitol Rotunda Gallery, Santa Fe, NM Handmade Artist’s Books
2014         “Patterns and Rhythms” invitational. Weyrich Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
                 One person Show “MIGRATION/ EBB&FLOW” Santa Fe Public Library, Book Art                               
                 “My Back Pages”, article in Pasatiempo, Sept. issue 2014
                 “HANDMADE ARTISTS’ BOOKS” Show at Capitol Rotunda, Santa Fe, NM
                 “ARTISTS’ BOOKS” show at the Los Alamos Public Library
2011         Purchase award ART IN PUBLIC PLACES, New Mexico Arts Commission
2008-2011 Represented by Darnell Fine Art, 640 Canyon Road, Santa Fe, NM
                  “Connections” Two-person show, Darnell Gallery,
                 “ POLLINATION” Santa Fe Arts Commission, Community Gallery
                 Teaching workshops in collage at the Harwood Art Center, Albuquerque               
                   Continue to work on book illustrations for Gabrielle Palmer, PHD.,

MUSEUM SHOWS______________________________________________

2003        “Originals 2003 - Traces For The Journey” Albuquerque Fine Arts Museum,    
                 Juried through the Women in the Arts National Organization

ONE PERSON EXHIBITIONS______________________________________

2001        Sloane Jordan Gallery, Austin, Texas
1999        Canyon Road Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, New Mexico1999        
1998        Canyon Road Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, New Mexico

SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS___________________________________

2010       “TEXAS NATIONAL 2010” Nacogdoches, Texas, Judy Pfaff, juror
                “POLLINATION” Santa Fe Arts Commission Gallery 
2009       “WHAT SEEDS HAVE BORN” Santa Fe Arts Commission Gallery                    
                “ARTFUTURA: 2009 INFINITE POSSIBILITIES” Chicago
                 Juror: James Rondeau    Curator of Art, Art Institute of Chicago
                  “8x8x8”  Center for Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, NM
2005        Honorable mention: “CLOSE TO HOME” Creative Arts Workshop, New Haven CT
                Juror: Jaquelyn Days Serwer, director, Corcoran Gallery, Washington, D.C.
2004        “IN 2 NUMBERS”   Target Gallery, Alexandria, Virginia
                “8x8x8”    Center for Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe, New Mexico
                 2ND ANNUAL INVITATIONAL, Coleman Gallery of Contemporary Art
                 Albuquerque, New Mexico
                “ConTEXT”  Western Colorado Center for the Arts             
                 “8x8x8”   Plan B Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico
2002         Plan B Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico
                 “Monothon”  SITE Santa Fe, New Mexico
1998         Edith Lambert Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico
                 Cloud Cliff Gallery Space, Santa Fe, New Mexico
1997         Edith Lambert Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico
1995         Realist Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico
1994         Edith Lambert Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico
1992         Sundance Gallery, Chicago, Illinois
1985         230 2nd Street Gallery, Bandon, Oregon


2013        Pasatiempo “My Back Pages” by Jennifer Levin, Aug. 30 issue
                Journal North “Art of the Altered Book”, Friday April 26,2013
                Pasatiempo May 23,2013. Image of “Tom Swift and His Giant Robot”, altered book
2010        Catalogue - Texas National 2010 catalogue
2003        Catalogue - Originals 2003 - Traces of The Journey
                Albuquerque Fine Arts Museum
1998      The Santa Fe New Mexican, November 26, “Journey Begins With Old Map And New                                                             Inspiration      by Craig Smith                  

             Focus, “Layers of Memory” by Suzanne Deats
             THE Magazine, visual of “Air Mail: Letter to a Friend”
              Vol. VII, number IV


2012      Greentrees, Ruidoso, N.M. 6 paintings, ART IN PUBLIC PLACES
2000      Mark Miller, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Mural, Coyote Café Cantina
1999      Stuart and Mariana Reuter, Houston, Texas


2014-16 BOOK ARTS GROUP (BAG:180 MEMBERS) Boardmember, Santa Fe NM
2012-15 President, Printmaking & Book Art Club, Santa Fe Community College

2013-15 Teaching workshops on Book Arts, Santa Fe, NM

A separate 30- year jewelry resume is available on request